This week I was blessed to make a new friend, Jayne.  Jayne and I were brought together through social media, thanks to our plastic surgeon.  We are both fortunate to share an excellent doctor, who carries a special place in his heart for people like us.  He felt it was important for us to meet, because Jayne and I are alike in so many ways.

Like me, Jayne is also positive for the BRCA 2 mutation.  She too lost her mother after an 8 year battle with cancer.  Jayne and I are two years apart in age, and both share an interest in educating our community on the importance of genetic testing and preventative measures.  Jayne had a prophylactic bilateral mastectomy two weeks before me.  She has also gone public with her diagnosis, and has documented her journey through her excellent blog.  Jayne was even interviewed by our local news station to discuss genetic testing and her decision to move forward with surgery.  Check out Jayne's blog @  You can also view her live interview @  

When Jayne and I met for the first time at Heine Brothers, it was like we had known each other for years.  We sat there and talked for nearly two hours about our lives, coping with our genetic testing results, and our experiences with surgery and recovery.  What a comfort it is to meet someone that knows exactly what you are going through.  Thank you Dr. Noel!

At the end of our meeting, Jayne invited me to join her for another coffee date the following day, with a woman who is considering PBM.  I felt both honored and excited to participate in the meeting.  If I can help at least one person, then I feel like I have truly succeeded.

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